Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Are You Still There?

A long, long time ago, I started a blog. I've had an on again off again relationship with this blog. I'll be very faithful and post every week or two and then I won't post for let's say.... over a year. Oh wait, it has been longer than a year! Time sure does fly. I'll give an update on what's happened for the last year. We moved from our favorite place in the entire world--Logan, UT to a familiar place, SLC. I chopped off 9 inches of my hair, our car was rear-ended, Chad started his first year of law school and is doing well with that. I am working full-time and being the 'sugar-momma' while we get through these next couple years. Chad graduated with his Bachelor's Degree from USU in business and I got my Associates in science as a pausing point for my education. We went to Oregon, California, and had smaller adventures in Utah and Idaho. We celebrated holidays, our birthdays, and a second year of marriage. We've gone through some confusion with our future (what we wanted to do for our careers, where we wanted to live, etc.), but we have also been happy, laughing, and waiting for what the Lord has in store for us next. I plan on writing about each of these experiences in separate blog posts, but just in case I don't post on here for another year or so, at least you got an update!;)